Connecting to the ECFiber Network

ECFiber’s network has three main components: The fiber cable that runs on public utility poles (known as the “fiber pass”), the “drop” line that connects your home or business to the fiber pass, and the electronics at your premises. ECFiber will make a standard aerial drop from the nearest public utility pole on the fiber pass to the enclosure at your premises, at our cost, as long as the drop distance is no more than 400 feet. If you have an aerial drop that exceeds 400 feet or the drop is underground, additional fees may apply.

If you think you will have a non-standard drop, please review the options below. Payment for non-standard drops such as long aerial connections, can be added to your monthly bill in 3 to 12 month increments (interest free), depending on the total cost (see table below). You will need to make a request for such installment payments in advance. Please send any such request to

Installment Payment Plans

Amount Range Number of Monthly Installments Down Payment (minimum)
$0.01 – $299.99 NONE NONE
$300 – $599.99 3 months NONE
$600 – $1,999.99 3 months 50%
$1,200 – $2399.99 6 months 50%
$2,400 + 12 months 50%


For non-standard drops (more than 400 ft from ECFiber’s main line), after a subscription has been submitted:

  • A survey will be conducted for every premise to determine how utilities are run. A quote will then be calculated with the measurement taken by the surveyor.
    • Please be aware that some drops do not run along your driveway, or the most direct route from the nearest utility pole.
  • Drops over 400 feet from where ECFiber is on the pole will incur a charge of $1 per foot for additional footage aerial or underground.
  • After reviewing the quote if you would like to move forward with our service please send us a deposit for 50% of quoted amount.
    • You may call our office at 802-ECFiber (802-323-4237) Toll-Free: 833-ECFIBER (833-323-4237) to make a deposit over the phone (credit card transactions will be charged an additional $4.00 for processing fee).
    • If you would prefer to pay by check please include a notation on the check describing the purpose. Please send check payments to 415 Waterman rd, South Royalton Vt 05068.


If you need conduit or a pull string installed to your home/business, the following contractors have expressed an interest in performing underground work. ECFiber is providing this list as a convenience to premises owners. It is not a list of “recommended contractors” and so ECFiber makes no representation about the capability, quality or pricing of these contractors. It is the building owner’s responsibility to ensure all work is performed in accordance with our specifications. You can download the list along with our underground specifications here.

Underground connections through conduit:

  • If you have usable conduit (clear of breaks or debris and with functioning pull string) in place and are within 400 feet of the nearest utility pole, we will complete the exterior connection at no additional cost. Longer connections in existing conduit are treated the same as aerial drops. Drops over 400 feet from where ECFiber is on the pole will incur a charge of $1 per foot for additional footage aerial or underground.
  • If you plan to install conduit with a pull string by hiring your own contractor please include a notation on your subscription application or contact us letting us know that you intend to do so.

NOTE: It may be possible to get a pull string through your existing conduit by yourself or by hiring a contractor (usually an electrician.). If you do so:

  • Shorter, newer, and wider conduits are the best for this.
  • Some people have used a shop vac and/or leaf blower. Here are some guidelines.

In shorter underground drops, rigid snakes can be used to install a pull string.

When Conduit is required:

  • ECFiber follows the existing utilities to a structure, and if those utilities are underground, conduit must be installed to accommodate the drop fiber from the utility pole to the building. The National Safety Electrical Code provides that existing utilities set the precedent for installations of additional utilities, and ECFiber’s policy is to follow that practice. We will not install fiber aerially if we are the only utility doing so. The drop fiber is not designed for this exposure, and experience shows us that when we have done so, damage from storms and other issues resulted in frequent repair and replacement such that customers eventually installed conduit instead.
  • Fiber cannot be shared in a conduit that has power in it.
  • Fiber can be shared in conduit with phone, provided 1) the conduit is big enough to accommodate the addition of fiber (a 2” conduit can usually accommodate 2 lines); 2) a pull string is present that meets our specifications below; and 3) there are no pedestals along the conduit path owned by other utilities.
  • ECFiber cannot and will not touch other utilities’ cables. We will not use an existing, even abandoned, cable to pull our fiber through an existing conduit. If a homeowner wishes to abandon an existing utility to make room for our fiber, they can use that utility cable to pull a string through, and then we will use that string to pull our cable through the conduit.

For Installation of Conduit where underground installation is required:

  • Whoever is doing the excavation work must first Premark the area and then call DIG SAFE! (811) It is the law.
  • Conduit should go from your utility pole to your house where the utilities boxes are located and follow the route of other underground utilities.
  • Conduit must be a minimum of 1.5″ diameter for distances under 300 feet. Anything longer than 300 feet 2″ diameter conduit should be installed. Conduit must be “schedule 40 electrical” (not water pipe), and use long sweeps (not 90-degree elbows or “L” shaped angles)
    • Fiber cannot be bent at harsh angles as it will cause a poor signal and will break.
    • If you have an extremely long run please call our office for further instructions.
  • Conduit over 400’ will require intermediate pull boxes or pedestals. Please call our office to discuss your specific circumstance before construction commences so we can ensure proper design and installation.
  • Conduit must come up at least 1.5’ – 2′ above grade at both the house and pole as well as secured to the pole and to house or backboard. Also, conduit on the pole side must come up in the same quadrant (same side of the pole) as existing services. Conduit on the house side MUST come up on the outside of the house.
  • Conduit should be trenched 24″ deep unless it passes under a road/driveway then the conduit will need to be buried 36″ deep. Install tracer wire (14-16 gauge coated on top of the conduit for Dig Safe and future location, as ECFiber does not use “toneable” cable.
  • Conduit should have a 210-250lb tensile-strength pull string installed.
  • The pull string should extend about 2 feet beyond the ends of the conduit. Tie the pull string around the outside of the conduit and place an unglued cap over the ends of the conduit to prevent water from entering.
  • No weather heads please. There is too high a risk for fiber to break and interrupt service. Installing temporary (unglued) caps or plastic bags on ends is helpful to keep water out prior to installation. After fiber is installed, we will use a specialized putty to plug the conduit.